Spring is almost here. This is a time for fresh starts – flowers will begin to peek and weather will begin to get warmer. How will you get ready for a fresh start? A payday loan can provide you with the funding to help in recharging yourself in preparation of the more colorful, sunnier surroundings, but you’ll need to make arrangements for your complete renewal.
Cleaning your home might be a start in the right direction. A thorough elimination of cob webs, leftover Christmas tree needles and other winter dirt can help in your quest for a new beginning this spring.
Here are some items you’ll want to check off your list:
· Windows - Clean inside and easy-to-reach outside windows.
· Blinds, shades or drapes - Start by dusting or vacuuming the valance and frame, then vacuum from top to bottom using the upholstery attachment for drapes and the brush attachment for blinds.
· Kitchen Cabinets - Wipe down cupboard fronts, shelves and walls.
· Upholstered Furniture - Remove the cushions. Thoroughly vacuum nooks and crannies with a crevice tool.
· Rugs or carpeting – Have these professionally cleaned to thoroughly remove any dust and bacteria.
· Walls – Wash down.
For a complete spring cleaning check list, visit realsimple.com
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