With most people living from paycheck to paycheck, it can be very difficult to save money. And that can make for very stressful times when emergency cash is needed.
But there are some easy ways to save a few bucks here and there...
1. Pay yourself a percentage of your paycheck. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10% or 1%. As long as you sock away some part of your paycheck consistently, your efforts will pay off in time. If you’re living from paycheck to paycheck and think it’s just not possible to spare another cent for savings, try again. Think about that iced coffee you just bought. There was probably some change left over right? Well, there you go. This brings us to the next point.
2. Save every penny! Every time you buy something with cash, there’s usually some change involved. Instead of throwing that change in your pocket or under the seat, put it into a jar and save it up. You’ll be amazed by what you have after only a few weeks time. Save your change up for a few months and you’ll have a nice chunk of change that you can take to the bank.
3. Need it or Want it? Things like beauty magazines, a new pair of shoes, a wrench set, or the latest cell phone might be things you want, but do you really need them? Evaluate every purchase from the standpoint of “Do I absolutely need this product at this point in time?” When you stop and think about this, you can save yourself on a lot of impulse buying.
Check back on Friday, when I’ll include some more tips to help you save $100 a week.
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