Feeling like you’ll never get ahead with the finances? Believe it or not, there are some very easy ways to save an extra $100 a week. These tips won’t get the best of your budget and at the end of the week; you’ll be amazed at the amount of cash you’ve saved.
Stop eating out for lunch. This may seem tough to do if you like to eat with your co-workers on a regular basis, but this is one of the biggest money drainers of them all. If we figure that the average lunch costs $8 to $10, and then we multiply that by 5 working days, that’s $40 to $50 a week that you could be saving. Instead, start packing your lunch every day. With the $40 you would have spent on lunch, you can purchase enough groceries for a week’s worth of lunches and dinners. Why pay someone $10 to make you a sandwich when you can do it for $2 or less by yourself? You’ll also save on gasoline by not slogging through lunch hour traffic every day just to grab a bite to eat.
Get a Wholesale Club card. Buying in bulk can be a great way to save on things like paper towels, disposable diapers, and other short-term usage items. There is a membership fee of $25, but the savings you’ll see in just a few months time will more than pay for it.
Ask yourself if you need it or want it? Evaluate every purchase, items like beauty magazines, a new pair of shoes, a wrench set, or the latest cell phone might be things you want, but do you really need them? When you stop and think about this, you can save yourself on a lot of impulse buying.